Questions about Shipment

Q1 : Do you ship worldwide?

A1 : Yes, we ship worldwide.

Q2 : What is the shipping cost?

A2 :For shipping cost, please check in this page:https://habaebae.com/shipping-policy

Q3 : What is the shipping time? A3 : For expected delivery date, please check in this page:https://habaebae.com/shipping-policy

Q4 : How do I track my package?

A4 : The package can be tracked on 17track.net . Or you can check in this page:https://habaebae.com/order-tracking

Questions about Payment & Order

Q1 : What payment terms you can accept?

A1 : For payment, we accept Paypal and Credit Card.

Q2 : My payment was declined, why? How to solve it ?

A2 : If you made the purchase via Credit Card and failed, could you please contact with Credit Card Support Team for solution? Or if the issue cannot be solved, please no worry, we accept Paypal payment as well.

Q3 : How do I cancel my order ?

A3 : After you have placed an order on our website, and the order is not shipped out yet, please contact with our Customer Care Team at [email protected], we will cancel your order and give you full refund.

Q4 : Is my personal information secure with this site?

A4 : Yes, Habaebae takes precautions to protect your personal information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.

Q5 : What if my address is wrong?

A5 : If the recipient’s address was wrong, after the failed delivery, the parcel should be returned back to sender. After we receive the parcel, we will contact you for an updated address and arrange re-delivery for your package.

Questions about Return & Refunds

Q1 : What items are returnable?

A1 : a)- We can accept returns or exchanges within the 14-days. b)- All returned items must be in the original condition: unused, unwashed, and unworn. No exceptions.

Q2 : How do I return a product?

A2: Contact our Customer Care Team at [email protected] to confirm details to make sure that the item(s) meet our return criteria. You can refer to our return and refund policy before you request for return/refund.

Q3 : How will you refund me?

A3 : The refund are applied to the original payment method.